Winning Strategy – Team Meetings

“Hope is not a strategy” – Vince Lombardi

The shift to virtual has driven meetings to be shorter, which affects the traditional business strategy decision process. We are looking to teams to strategize and make important decisions in less time, with less discussion, along with fewer opportunities for introverts to share their wisdom.

You and your team might not be making high stakes decisions in your meetings every day, but by being strategic about how your team’s time is spent and your team’s communication, you can collaborate more effectively, even at a distance.

Giving your team time ahead of the meeting to do strategic thought work allows for better collaboration and meaningful meetings. Here are a few tools to check out:


Share or adjust agendas in your OneNote workbook. Also great to keep meeting notes in one place for your team to easily reference. You can attack them to meeting invites for review.


Gather feedback and ask questions pre or post meetings by using polling apps. This can help to prioritize discussion or take easy decisions out of the meeting all together.


As a collaborative white board, use Jamboard to capture ideas from the group and provide updates before the meeting for more focused discussions.

Sharing these tools is 2Connect’s way of ensuring your team  is doing what it can to support each other in being effective communicators.  We don’t pretend to be experts in any of these tools, but we know they can help everyone come prepared to meetings.

If you or members of your team are struggling to communicate in a concise and strategic manner, we welcome the opportunity to discuss ways we can offer support. Shoot an email to Kristy Pepple or click here to set up a 15min meeting.

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