Sooner or later, we all have to share the presentation stage. Team presentations are part of day-to-day business practices, but they can be challenging due to the many moving parts.
Cohesive content and seamless logistics helps any team shine
The following questions will help you think through your content and important logistics to ensure that your entire team shines:
Know everyone’s role
- Who will be responsible for the open, the various sections and the close?
- Who will handle the Q&As?
- Who will close the presentation after the Q&As?
Create continuity
- How does each presenter’s content link to the overarching message?
- How will presenters transition from one presenter to the next?
- Where can presenters link content to other team members’ content?
Ensure each presenter is telling a compelling story within the bigger story
- How will each presenter open in an engaging manner?
- How will each presenter package their content and close with purpose?
Think through the logistics
- Where will the laptop be positioned?
- How will the remote be handed off from presenter to presenter?
- Where will each presenter sit?
- What will presenters do when not presenting?
Just like in any team activity, exceptional team presentations don’t just happen. They require a cohesive message, clarity around roles and attention to logistics. The end result? A presentation team that shines.
Go team!