Managing the unexpected is a skill every presenter should have in their toolbox especially when presenting outside a familiar environment. In January, American film director and producer Michael Bay was faced with a few unexpected technical challenges during his CES presentation in Las Vegas that made the world stage via the news and social media.
While your presentation may not be on such a large scale, being prepared to handle anything that might go awry will help to keep you on top of your game no matter what might come up.
Presenting-on-the-Road Checklists
Your presentation technology may work beautifully when you practice in familiar surroundings. But, when you take your presentation on the road, your may need additional preparation. These checklists will help you minimize the unexpected.
Technology Checklist – Before Presentation
- Find out if you will be able to use your own computer
- Test your remote control and pack additional batteries
- Update software and install plug-ins
- Turn off sleep functions
- Test presenter view
- Practice blanking screen, using the remote or B key on the keyboard
- Play audio and video files
- Check speaker volume
- Test your internet connection, if you plan to access it
- Practice with teleprompter, if you will be using one. Adjust scrolling speed.
- Request a Flip Chart or White Board (in case technology fails)
- Arrive early to plug in and test your technolog
Plan B Checklist – If Technology Fails
If technology fails, avoid bringing attention to the failure. Be prepared for the “what if” and keep moving forward like a pro. Your audience will appreciate it.
- Know your story – open, body, close
- Practice how you would deliver your story without PowerPoint
- Practice using a Flip Chart or White Board to communicate key ideas
- Print your PowerPoint slides 6 up on a page to create a quick cheat sheet
- Print any relevant reference materials for attendees
Wishing you presentation success on the road!