Batter Up! 3 Tips for All-Star Presentations

Mickey_Mantle_1951Last month, Major League Baseball’s All Star Game came to 2Connect’s home turf – San Diego. MLB’s best of the best were chosen to play because they stepped up to the plate when the team was counting on them – then hit it out of the park.

Mickey Mantle once noted, “You don’t realize how easy this game is until you get up in that broadcasting booth.”

Observers often downplay the mental focus and commitment required to make it to the Big Leagues. Whether baseball or a killer presentation, the path to pro status requires mastering the basics:

Keep Your Eye on the Ball. On the presentation field, that means keeping your eye on the needs of your audience. You will strike out if your message doesn’t resonate – be sure to keep an all-star eye on the needs of your audience and build your message around what is important to them.

Adapt on the Fly. Ever had technology fail? Presentation time abruptly cut short? Did you walk off the field, or dig in for the next pitch? Pros spend time in the batting cage preparing for any kind of pitch. Presenters also need to practice and be prepared for any scenario to turn every presentation into a homerun.

Commit Through the 9th. Researchers agree we will most likely remember the first and last things someone says. Professionals don’t just start strong. They commit all the way through to the close, and finish with impact.

Borrow these time tested baseball strategies to be an all-star presenter – get ready to hit it out of the park on your next opportunity at the mic.

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