What Presenters Can Learn from Goldfish

Our attention span has fallen to 8 seconds, according to Time Magazine. Goldfish reportedly have a longer attention span than us! So, what does this mean for your next presentation? Every second counts.

Here are two tips to hook your


Should you Invest in Communication?

“The biggest obstacle with communication is the illusion it has taken place.”

Some think that presentation training is only meant for large group presentations and situations that don’t come up every day.  While preparing for formal presentations is important, most


Do your meetings move your business forward?

With leaders spending nearly half their week in meetings, frustration levels are high if those meetings aren’t efficient or productive. If you facilitate meetings, here are tips to keep them running like a well-oiled machine.

Before the meeting

  • Confirm a

Demonstrate Executive Presence During Q&A

“Executive Presence” is a term we hear a lot at 2Connect.  After all, how you show up in front of a group, whether presenting formally or providing updates in meetings, has a huge impact on how others perceive you.  How


Presenting from Good to Great

When it comes to improving our presentation skills, receiving feedback is a game-changer. Feedback is the true catalyst for improvement, and helps us become more self-aware, reinforces positive habits, and encourages growth where needed. Seeking input from others can be