Ready to Present In Person Again?

Delivering a virtual presentation has a lot of advantages. You have many tools at your disposal to rely on as you present, such as notes, an agenda, or even a script. You may have mastered multiple platforms, know how to


Practice Makes Permanent

Picture this: You attended a 2Connect training or coaching and learned valuable strategies to help improve your presentations. You practiced structuring your messaging with clarity, understanding your audience, and fine-tuning your delivery. But then life got in the way


Answer Questions with Clarity

Have you ever been asked a question and find yourself answering with overwhelming data and details to the point where your audience has a hard time following your message? We call this a “data dump.”

This occurs when we try


Light Up Your Virtual Meetings

Virtual meetings have increased for over 54% of professionals so far in 2022 (pumble). Considering that increase, now is a good time to check in on how we’re showing up on screen. We want to create an environment


Developing Confident Presenters

"Good is the Enemy of Great" - Jim Collins

While practice may make permanent, practice and repetition doesn’t always bring about improvement. Whether we deliver presentations and messages frequently or only occasionally; we need to be confident that our messages

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