Communication as a Competitive Advantage

Diane West, president of 2Connect, recently sat down with Carol Wells, our newest member of the 2Connect team, to discuss the role of effective communication in organizations. With decades of Sales and Training Leadership roles in large corporations in the


Should you Invest in Communication?

“The biggest obstacle with communication is the illusion it has taken place.”

Some think that presentation training is only meant for large group presentations and situations that don’t come up every day.  While preparing for formal presentations is important, most


Do your meetings move your business forward?

With leaders spending nearly half their week in meetings, frustration levels are high if those meetings aren’t efficient or productive. If you facilitate meetings, here are tips to keep them running like a well-oiled machine.

Before the meeting

  • Confirm a

Why You Should Always Provide a Meeting Agenda

Have you ever left a meeting and asked yourself, “What was that meeting about?”, “Did I fulfill my role?”, “Did I really need to be there?”.  I am sure you have, we all have, and this staggering number proves it:


Building Trust, Electronically

With our forced business distancing, this can feel like a jolt for those who are used to doing business face-to-face. A lot of our clients have expressed concern in trying to make their virtual connections as impactful as their in-person


Make Your Message Stick

Chip and Dan Heath, the authors of Made to Stick, created the “SUCCES” formula for communicating. Here at 2Connect, we find this formula translates well to the formal presentation setting. Using this formula, answer the questions considering your next


Keeping Engagement in Remote Meetings

Over 70% of meeting attendees admit to doing other work in a meeting (according to a recent Verizon study).

When your meeting is not in-person, we can only imagine that this number gets worse!

How can meeting facilitators keep


9 Flippin’ Fantastic Flip Chart Tricks

While flip charts may seem old school in this digital age, they are a critical tool to help facilitators create buy-in, alignment, and engagement. On the flip side (pun intended), we’ve seen flip charts be a facilitator’s downfall – distracting